2. Start designing products for Spring term exhibition
a. patches (small and affordable)
b. tote bags (less affordable, but popular)
c. tee shirts (less affordable, but popular)
d. reject paper-based products
The theme for Spring term exhibition:
a. technology (un-life, superior to humanity, video games)
b. desexualize content (as compared to Love Is MADness)
c. make casting call for promotional salespersons at event
(selected persons casted for "geekiness," male and female)
d. change location of exhibition to larger, still appropriate,
Titles for artworks brainstormed:
a. "CPU Wins!" (emphasis on exclamation marks and
digitalized typography
b. "One-handed bandit" - from Twilight Zone episode
titled "The Fever"
c. "My bicycle is trying to kill me!" - from Calvin and
Hobbes comic
d. "I work for robot" (switch social roles)
e. HAL 9000 reference from 2010: A Space Oddyssy
f. Wardrobe malfunction from Super Bowl XXXVIII
g. other video game references...to be brainstormed
3. Make Musicanator playlist songs available for purchase on iTunes
Check into zazzle for t-shirts, totes, mugs and that sort of thing. It's a print on demand place...
This looks great your really organized, Your loved Is Madness event was great I talked it up to a lot of my friends! I hope they bought stuff!
I love the idea of merchandising your artwork. Will the merchandise be primarily type or image based?
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