
Mentor - Pieter Janssen a.k.a. Piet Parra

Here are a few things that I think Parra gets inspiration from:

William Copley

Picasso's Satyr and Minotaur Rape Scenes

Spy vs. Spy

Goya's La Maja Desnuda

Stewie's Pointed Head

Rather than write down what I've already told you in my Powerpoint, if you like Parra and would like to find out more about him, here are some hyperlinks that I used for my presentation to click on and forge your own journey through space and time. "With the practice of web surfing and reading by following hypertext links, the web has produced specific practices that affect our modes of thought and representation. It is a mode of visuality distinguished by the simultaneous presence of heterogeneous surfaces, which the user links by charting a course or by random exploration." (Bourriaud, 114)

Fecalface Interview

Rockwell Clothing

Big Active

Le Le

Product of God

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

An The Magazine Interview

High Snobiety Review

Submarine Channel Interview

Nike Collaboration

99 Percent Interview

Parra Soundsystem

High Snobiety Review 2

Colorblind Skateboards

Ben-G Shoes

Big Active Blog

XLR8R Interview


crosshatchedplan said...

These are some really interesting links. I enjoy looking into them in more depth. Parra seems to have some very specific influences and aesthetic affinities, I think that may contribute to the boldness and distinct quality of his work. I think that kind of relationship will help you define something similar in your own work.

Shimon and Lindemann said...

Check out R. Crumb to for the source of the bird beak. Building on and updating what has been expressed before in culture.

晔子 said...

it seems like one needs to find his passion first and then something people have not done yet to be success. I think you are on your way.